18 results for tag “add-ons”
Choosing a Firefox version for extension development
Choose a Firefox version for web extension development Firefox provides several versions that offer different capabilities for developing web extensions. This article provides an overview of the differences among these versions of Firefox and recommends how to use each in the development lifecycle. Contents...
User experience best practices
User experience best practices You want to make sure your users have a great experience using your extension—when you do, the good reviews and ratings will follow on addons.mozilla.org (AMO) If you are new to the subject of making software usable, a good place...
Create an appealing listing
Creating an appealing add-on listing There are two essential steps to getting people to use your add-on: they need to discover your add-on and open the listing page, then the listing page needs to encourage them to click the Add to Firefox button. The...
Test permission requests
Test permission requests Your extension may contain two types of permission request: install time and runtime permission requests. This page explains how you can test the way your users will see requests for these permissions. Contents Permission grant behavior during testingObserve or verify install...
Source code submission
Source code submission To complete the review process at addons.mozilla.org (AMO), reviewers must be able to read the code in your extension. Some build processes render extension code difficult to read. These processes include minifying your code, as well as the use of module...
What does review rejection mean to users?
What does review rejection mean to users? This article explains how users and people looking for your extension are affected should you get a rejection from the Mozilla review process. Contents Review overviewImpact of review rejectionBlocklisting Review overview Any extension you submit to addons.mozilla.org...
Firefox workflow overview
Firefox workflow overview Prepare Code Publish* Enhance Retire Choose a Firefox version for web extension development Code your extension Package your extension with web-ext build Responded to Mozilla extension review Retire your extension Choose your IDE or code editor Run your extension with web-ext...
Request the right permissions
Requesting the right permissions Or how to avoid permissions discouraging users from installing your extensions. Contents IntroductionAdvised permissionsAvoid unnecessary permissionsRequest permissions at runtimeAdd information about permissions to your extensions AMO page Introduction To inform users of the potential impact of installing an extension, Firefox...
Using the AMO theme generator
Using the AMO theme generator The theme generator on addons.mozilla.org (AMO) guides you through the process of creating a theme for Firefox. Once you have defined the colors and image for your theme, the generator will submit your new theme to AMO. You may...
Third Party Library Usage
Third Party Library Usage The Development Practices section of the Add-ons Policies lists the requirements for the use of third-party libraries in add-ons. In order for reviewers to verify that these requirements are met, you must provide links to the library source code as...
Best practices for collecting user data consents
Prompt users for data and privacy consents If your extension collects user data, it needs to comply with the requirement of the Data Disclosure, Collection and Management section of the Add-on Policies. A common developer question about these policies is how to translate them...
Distribute Manifest V2 and V3 extensions
Distribute Manifest V2 and V3 extensions Learn how to distribute versions of your extension supporting Manifest V2 and V3. Firefox added support for Manifest Version 3 (MV3) extensions in Firefox 109, which was released to general availability January 17, 2023. Earlier versions of Firefox...
Firefox version compatibility
Firefox version compatibility Learn how to customize your extension's Firefox version compatibility settings on addons.mozilla.org and when to use this feature. Contents Version compatibilityThe `browser_specific_settings` keyAMO compatibility settingRecommendations Version compatibility Version compatibility controls let you manage which versions of Firefox can install your extension....
Developing extensions for Firefox for Android
Developing extensions for Firefox for Android Learn more about developing extensions for Firefox for Android Contents Set up your computer and Android emulator or deviceCheck for Firefox for Android compatibilityInstall and run your extension in Firefox for AndroidDebug your extensionManifest V3 compatibility You approach...
User experience guidelines for mobile extensions
User Experience Guidelines for Mobile Extensions Make your extension seamlessly integrate with Firefox for Android. Contents IntroductionThe basicsThe extra mileThe last mile Introduction To make sure your users have a great experience with your extension on Firefox for Android, you want to ensure your...
Differences between desktop and Android extensions
Differences between desktop and Android extensions There are some important distinctions to be aware of when developing an extension for Android. Contents IntroductionUser interfaceNative application interactionPermissionsStorage Firefox for Android offers a subset of the WebExtensions APIs available to the desktop version of Firefox. Some...
Add-on Policies
Add-on Policies Add-ons extend the core capabilities of Firefox, enabling users to modify and personalize their web experience. A healthy ecosystem, built on trust, is vital for developers to be successful and users to feel safe making Firefox their own. For these reasons, Mozilla...
Submitting an add-on
Submitting an add-on This article walks through the process of publishing an add-on. If you just want to get started, head to the Submit a New Add-on page on AMO. Contents Listing on AMOSelf-distributionGet help To start, familiarize yourself with the Add-on Policies and...