14 results for tag “extensions”

  1. Choosing a Firefox version for extension development

    Choose a Firefox version for web extension development Firefox provides several versions that offer different capabilities for developing web extensions. This article provides an overview of the differences among these versions of Firefox and recommends how to use each in the development lifecycle. Contents...


  2. User experience best practices

    User experience best practices You want to make sure your users have a great experience using your extension—when you do, the good reviews and ratings will follow on addons.mozilla.org (AMO) If you are new to the subject of making software usable, a good place...


  3. Testing persistent and restart features

    Testing persistent and restart features When testing your extension, you may notice that some features reset themselves or stop working when you load an updated version or after you restart Firefox. For example, you may be using local storage and notice that previously saved...


  4. Test permission requests

    Test permission requests Your extension may contain two types of permission request: install time and runtime permission requests. This page explains how you can test the way your users will see requests for these permissions. Contents Permission grant behavior during testingObserve or verify install...


  5. Build an accessible extension

    Accessibility guidelines When it comes to accessibility, extensions should follow the same guidelines as websites. However, extensions have unique features that deserve consideration when designing for accessibility. Here is a breakdown of extension features and how they should be used to make an extension...


  6. Browser compatibility

    Browser compatibility Contents NamespaceAsynchronousAPI CoverageManifest keysMore information While work continues to standardize the APIs used for browser extension development, there remain differences between Chromium-based browsers—such as Chrome, Opera, and the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge—and Firefox. These differences, summarized on this page, include: Namespace: In Chromium-based...


  7. Developer accounts

    Developer accounts Developer accounts for addons.mozilla.org are integrated with Mozilla accounts, which lets you access and manage multiple Mozilla services from one account. You can manage your Mozilla account from accounts.firefox.com/settings. Contents Setting a display nameBlocked accountsIssues receiving emails from AMO Setting a display...


  8. Source code submission

    Source code submission To complete the review process at addons.mozilla.org (AMO), reviewers must be able to read the code in your extension. Some build processes render extension code difficult to read. These processes include minifying your code, as well as the use of module...


  9. What does review rejection mean to users?

    What does review rejection mean to users? This article explains how users and people looking for your extension are affected should you get a rejection from the Mozilla review process. Contents Review overviewImpact of review rejectionBlocklisting Review overview Any extension you submit to addons.mozilla.org...


  10. Firefox workflow overview

    Firefox workflow overview Prepare Code Publish* Enhance Retire Choose a Firefox version for web extension development Code your extension Package your extension with web-ext build Responded to Mozilla extension review Retire your extension Choose your IDE or code editor Run your extension with web-ext...


  11. Build a secure extension

    Security best practices Here is a list of best practices you should follow to keep the users of your extension safe. If you don't follow these best practices your extension may fail the reviews on addons.mozilla.org (AMO), preventing you from distributing your add-on or...


  12. Request the right permissions

    Requesting the right permissions Or how to avoid permissions discouraging users from installing your extensions. Contents IntroductionAdvised permissionsAvoid unnecessary permissionsRequest permissions at runtimeAdd information about permissions to your extensions AMO page Introduction To inform users of the potential impact of installing an extension, Firefox...


  13. Third Party Library Usage

    Third Party Library Usage The Development Practices section of the Add-ons Policies lists the requirements for the use of third-party libraries in add-ons. In order for reviewers to verify that these requirements are met, you must provide links to the library source code as...


  14. Best practices for collecting user data consents

    Prompt users for data and privacy consents If your extension collects user data, it needs to comply with the requirement of the Data Disclosure, Collection and Management section of the Add-on Policies. A common developer question about these policies is how to translate them...
