Developer accounts

Developer accounts for are integrated with Mozilla accounts, which lets you access and manage multiple Mozilla services from one account. You can manage your Mozilla account from

Setting a display name

It’s important to set a display name on your profile on to increase transparency with users, add-on reviewers, and the greater community.

Your Mozilla account display name will not sync to your profile on You will need to set your developer account display name from your profile on

Blocked accounts

To mitigate malicious actors from submitting spam to, we will not accept submissions from accounts that use a disposable temporary email address, or that have submitted multiple add-ons that violate our Add-on Policies.

If you believe your account has been incorrectly blocked, please email amo-admins [at] mozilla [dot] com and include a link to your developer profile.

Issues receiving emails from AMO

If you're expecting but haven't received emails from the (AMO) platform, check that:

  1. Your Mozilla account's primary email address is correct. To update it, see the support article Change primary email address on Mozilla account.
  2. The email isn't in your spam or junk folder. If it is, consider adding the AMO email domain ( to your approved senders list.
  3. Your inbox isn't full.
  4. Your mail provider hasn't implemented a security filter that blocked the email delivery.

If you're still experiencing issues after making these checks, posting details of your issue to the add-ons community forum may help.